SATToSE is a three-day yearly event meant for both senior and junior
(MSc and PhD students) researchers from Belgium, France, Germany, the
Netherlands, Switzerland and other countries to share their recent and
upcoming results software evolution, coevoluion of software artefacts,
software analysis, software visualisation, program transformation,
grammarware engineering, source code refactoring, software migration,
reverse engineering, etc. This is mainly a communication and
collaboration, not a publication event, even though it does have a DBLP page (which I brought to existence).
- SoTeSoLa is a Summer School on Software Technologies and Software Languages
- SATToSE is a Seminar Series on Advanced Tools and Technologies in Software Evolution
- SoTeSoLa took place once in 2012 in Koblenz
- SATToSE took place 15 times:
in 2008 in Waulsort,
in 2009 in Côte d’Opale,
in 2010 in Montpellier,
in 2011 in Koblenz,
in 2012 in Koblenz (integrated into SoTeSoLa),
in 2013 in Bern,
in 2014 in L’Aquila,
in 2015 in Mons,
in 2016 in Bergen,
in 2017 in Madrid,
in 2018 in Athens,
in 2019 in Bolzano,
in 2020 virtually,
in 2021 in Amsterdam,
in 2023 in Salerno.
- The next SATToSE will take place in 2024
- I was a participant of SoTeSoLa 2012 and SATToSE 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2023
- At SoTeSoLa 2012, I played roles of a Hackathon Lead Coordinator (read the description or watch the screencast) and a Social Media Chair (@sotesola), as well as participated actively in the school’s design and organisation
- At SATToSE 2012, I gave a presentation and co-represented Rascal at the Technology Showdown and the Hackathon
- At SATToSE 2013, I was the Hackathon Chair, but also gave a talk and represented Rascal at the Technology Showdown
- At SATToSE 2014, I was the Program Chair (behold the programme!) and the Post-proceedings Co-editor (check out the post-proceedings!)
- At SATToSE 2015, I was on the Programme Committee, gave a regular talk and a technology showdown demo, as well as participated in the hackathon.
- At SATToSE 2016, I was a self-proclaimed Social Media Chair (@sattose had ~300 tweets!), a PC member, chaired a session, co-authored a submission without giving a talk, as well as participated in the hackathon.
- At SATToSE 2017, I was on the Programme Committee and led one of the sides of the tweeting competition (the winning one, of course), against Alexander Serebrenik
- At SATToSE 2018, I was one of the keynote speakers
- At SATToSE 2023, I was on the Programme Committee and gave a regular talk.
- Since December 2012, I am a Steering Committee member of SATToSE.
- My students have presented at SATToSE as well: Ammar Hamid (2014), Carlos Cirello (2015), Boryana Goncharenko (2015), Nico de Groot (2016), Gorjan Jovanovski (2016), Daniël Floor (2023).
- My colleague Johan Fabry presented at SATToSE 2019 a paper co-authored with me and other participants of the INTiMALS project.
- Another colleague Céline Deknop presented at SATToSE 2020 a paper co-authored with me and other participants of the CodeDiffNG project.
Publications / presentations
- Daniël Floor, Rinse van Hees, Vadim Zaytsev, Code Comprehension in a Multi-Paradigm Environment, SATToSE, CEUR, 2023.
- Rutger Witmans, Vadim Zaytsev, Perfecting Nothingness by Refactoring Whitespace, SATToSE, CEUR, 2023.
- Rutger Witmans, Vadim Zaytsev, Improving Nothingness. Refactoring Whitespace, SATToSE, 2023.
- Céline Deknop, Johan Fabry, Kim Mens, Vadim Zaytsev, Advanced Differencing of Legacy Code and Migration Logs, SATToSE, 2020.
- Dario Di Nucci, Hoang Son Pham, Johan Fabry, Coen De Roover, Kim Mens, Tim Molderez, Siegfried Nijssen, Vadim Zaytsev, A Language-Parametric Modular Framework for Mining Idiomatic Code Patterns, SATToSE, 2019.
- Nico de Groot, Vadim Zaytsev, CSS Corpus for Reproducible Analysis, SATToSE, 2016.
- Ralf Lämmel, Vadim Zaytsev, Sentiment Analysis of Paper Reviews and Calls for Papers, SATToSE Hackathon, 2016.
- Gorjan Jovanovski, Vadim Zaytsev, Critical CSS Rules — Decreasing Time to First Render by Inlining CSS Rules for Over-the-Fold Elements, SATToSE, 2016.
- Vadim Zaytsev, Coupling BibSLEIGH with ConferenceMetrics, SATToSE Hackathon, 2015.
- Vadim Zaytsev, BibSLEIGH: Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext, SATToSE Technology Showdown, 2015.
- Vadim Zaytsev, Evolution of Metaprograms, or How to Transform XSLT to Rascal, SATToSE, 2015.
- Davide Di Ruscio, Vadim Zaytsev (editors), Post-proceedings of the Seventh Seminar in Series on Advanced Techniques and Tools for Software Evolution, SATToSE, CEUR, 2015.
- Vadim Zaytsev (editor), Pre-proceedings of the Seventh Seminar in Series on Advanced Techniques and Tools for Software Evolution, SATToSE, 2014.
- Vadim Zaytsev, Alphametic Cryptarithms and Polychromatic Coppices in Rascal, SATToSE Technology Showdown, 2013.
- Vadim Zaytsev, Modelling Robustness with Conjunctive Grammars, SATToSE, 2013.
- Anastasia Izmaylova, Jan Kurš, Vadim Zaytsev, Presenting Rascal solutions, SoTeSoLa Hackathon, 2012.
- Vadim Zaytsev, Reverse Engineering and Reengineering 101companies, SoTeSoLa Hackathon, 2012.
- Vadim Zaytsev, Rascal Metaprogramming Language, SoTeSoLa Technology Showdown, 2012.
- Vadim Zaytsev, Bidirectional Grammar Transformations, SATToSE, 2012.